- after the operation, keep the gauze bitten for 15-20 minutes in order to create a clot
- after removing the gauze, the mouth must not be rinsed nor the wound suctioned
- apply cold compresses at intervals of 5 min. of cooling, 5 min. break, this contributes to reduction of swelling
- the day after the procedure, start rinsing gently 2-3 times a day with a solution based on 0.2 or 0.12% chlorhexidine
- the day after the procedure, gently clean the suture with an ear swab dipped in a chlorhexidine-based solution, the rest of the teeth should be washed normally with a soft surgical brush, paying special attention to the operated area
- if you are not allergic, you can take medicines based on ibuprofen and paracetamol, DO NOT TAKE medicines based on acetylsalicylic acid
- if you are prescribed an antibiotic, take it regularly until the end of the dose
- sleep with an elevated headboard for the first few days
- avoid smoking
- for the first few days, eat softer, mushy and cold food, drink cold and non-carbonated drinks.